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[WEBINAR] “5 Practical Tips for Making a 5+ Figure Profit from Property This Year!”

Highly experienced property investors and mentors Brendan Kelly and Simon Buckingham discuss “5 Practical Tips for Making a 5+ Figure Profit from Property This Year!” – with a focus on simple value-adding strategies and the critical success factors you must know if you want to use these strategies to give yourself a 5+ figure boost through property in the next 12 months.

Watch the webinar to discover:

  • The single most important figure in a property deal
       (Hint: surprisingly, it’s NOT the profit!)
  • The fundamental 33% Rule, and how it maximises the likelihood of making money BEFORE you buy a property
  • Counter-intuitive critical success factors for budgeting renovations
  • Why “adding value” doesn’t require you to be “hands on”
       (and how you’re better off this way)

…and more – including real-world case studies that demonstrate how these practical tips have been applied recently by members of our mentoring program to achieve 5+ figure profits in just a handful of months!

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